My Freedom

Thursday, July 21, 2011

State of the Nation 2011

Next week, the leader of the country will give, on his one year in office, the so-called State of the Nation address. Therein, he will outline what has been done during his term, what needs to be done and what were the factors that made the nation what it is at present.

Already, everyone has dipped their dirty fingers into the pie. The opposition insists that the president will cover up his administration's mistakes and blame the past resident (or president) for all his woes. They maintain that things have already been leading up to that conclusion. The sudden appearances of witnesses to the past election fraud who point their fingers at the then-president (and ex-resident) is one. The fast-tracking of sensational criminal cases against people from the elite is another. All the media giants are likewise conjuring up intelligent-sounding analysis upon analysis what on earth is happening prior to the said date. So far, stupid ideas abound.

And while this exercise drags on, both the opposition and the present administration engage in a mud-slinging contest that seem to infer in the public eye that what we have in the country is child's play, meaning: politicians don't really care what we see, it's play to them, at our expense.

I used to say that, in the start of his presidency, PNoy was a really bad and immature amateur. Now, a year after, I'm convinced that not only are politicians on both sides amateurish, none are exempt from the severe case of immaturity and lack of respect for a simple fact of politics: they were voted into office and have no right to waste our trust.

The most pathetic lesson from all these is the fact that we, the citizens will continue to suffer, not so much for being witness to this sad state of politics, but more important, for having put our fate in the hands of incompetent, selfish, and immature "dignitaries" who suck up on all that we have as a people. Criminals have it better. While all these confusion rages among our leaders, they roam freely to plunder and wreck havoc. As the joke goes, what is the difference between government and the mafia? One of them is organized. Sad. True. But not at all funny.

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